Self Defense Training with Lunar Lotus

Now, imagine this…Waking up every morning excited and motivated, ready to take on the world because you no longer let fear, or other people’s opinions, or any sort of discrimination stand in the way of your dreams. Sounds nice, but how do you get there? That’s where we come in.

At Lunar Lotus we take a holistic approach to Self Defense, or Self Protection.

We believe that a person’s entire system needs to be included in the education and training, when learning to protect oneself.

After all, the entire person interacts as a whole when faced with stressful or traumatic experiences.

Because of this, we combine a unique blend of
Krav Maga, with knowledge from many other realms of Health and Wellness, including:

  • Mental Wellness techniques and Empowerment Coaching
  • Breathwork (Pranayama)
  • Training the Central Nervous System (fight/flight/freeze response)
  • Mindfulness Techniques
  • Body Mind Education and Connection
  • Downloadable Meditations
  • Education around the Physiological, Biomechanical, and Psychological mechanisms that make up our body’s response to stress and trauma

How We Got Here

origin story

Near the end of 2021 our founder Christina Rogers was hearing numerous reports of awful stories from women in San Diego. Everything from sex trafficking attempts, to domestic violence.

Feeling powerless to affect change on her own, she partnered with Tony Cohen of 1947 Krav Maga to begin offering local classes.

We have only grown since then and have now helped Tony to train more than 200 new students, and 10+ new instructors in San Diego County.

The Growing Need for Women's Self-Defense

In today’s world the statistics of assault and abuse are staggering. 

68 seconds

Every 68 seconds an American is sexually assaulted, yet only 25 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. - RAINN


Nationwide, 81% of women reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. - NSVRC

As our network of dedicated coaches grows, we seek to support more and more women in empowering themselves, creating the lives they truly desire.

Frequently asked questions

Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.


Krav Maga. It means “Contact Combat” and was developed in the 30s and 40s to help the creator Imi Lichtenfeld, and his community, to defend themselves both on the street, and at war.

We teach the materials in levels, allowing participants to go as deep as they would like to. You can attend a single 3-hour Level 1 class and still walk away with the basic foundations of Krav Maga.

The full set of material can technically be learned in 30 hours. However, as with all physical training, it takes practice to have the movements become second nature to the body.

Therefore we recommend practicing at home, or with other students.
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For introductory levels of instruction you will be doing minimal physical movements, until the end of class.

The more advanced levels require much more movement and impact to the body.

Regardless of where you are in your training, we always check in with participants on any special needs or injuries and will adapt accordingly.

It is possible that some of the material covered may be triggering to some participants, based on their past experiences.

It is also possible that you will experience a profound release of pent up emotions and/or trauma during the classes, especially in those classes that are combined with deepers spiritual modalities.


We therefore take every precaution with our events, and that is why our venues and the facilitators are chosen very specifically to provide you with a safe and secure environment.


Laugh, cry, scream if you need to. Our certified facilitators will be there for you, regardless of your experience.

Our liability waiver does include a photo/video release, to allow us to market for our fundraising efforts.

HOWEVER, we 100% put safety and privacy above all else, so if you would like to remain anonymous and not be photographed, please just let us know.

We work where we see a need. Therefore we often customize our training for the individuals and/or groups that request to work with us.

We have done customized courses and safety seminars for various groups, including:


  • Realtors
  • Bar/Restaurant Employees
  • Corporate Employees
  • Women’s Classes and Safety Seminars
  • Family/Parent Classes
  • Instructor Courses
  • Survivors of assault/domestic violence


And more.

Standard pricing is typically $50-60/person for each hour of class, however, we believe in this work, and making it accessible to everyone.

We will happily work with you and your group to create a customized pricing situation, aimed at keeping the information accessible, while also compensating our instructors for their dedication and service.

We also work with non-profits, and will often host classes where all or the majority of the proceeds go directly to local charities.

Absolutely, yes. Please contact us to inquire about attending a class on scholarship.

Bless your heart! Thank you for contributing to someone else’s wellness and empowerment.

For every public event we will have Scholarship ticket types available that you can purchase for another.

Any unused scholarships for any event will be automatically rolled to the next event.

Yes we do! Many of our self-defense instructors are also certified coaches. Here at Lunar Lotus we seek to empower people to take back control over their lives, often after experiencing trauma. As such, we find it imperative for our teachers, and business partners to be educated in using a trauma-informed approach when working with clients



The Israeli Self-Defense System of Krav Maga

Krav Maga Hebrew: קרב מגע‎ (which translates literally as “contact combat”)

is a military self-defense and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from:
  • Gymnastics
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling
  • Judo
  • Aikido
  • and Karate
The Creator of Krav Maga

Imre "Imi" Lichtenfeld

was a Hungarian-born Israeli martial artist. He is widely recognized for developing Krav Maga, an Israeli martial art.

In the late 1930s, anti-Semitic riots threatened the Jewish population of Bratislava in Europe.

Together with other Jewish boxers and wrestlers, Lichtenfeld helped to defend his Jewish neighborhood against fascist gangs. He quickly decided that sport has little in common with real combat and began developing a system of techniques for practical self-defense in life-threatening situations.
Hands On Experience

On the streets, Imi acquired hard-won experience

and a crucial understanding of the differences between sport fighting and street fighting. He developed his fundamental self-defense principle: 'use natural movements and reactions' for defense, combined with an immediate and decisive counterattack. From this evolved the refined theory of 'simultaneous defense and attack' while 'never occupying two hands in the same defensive movement.'

In 1948, when the State of Israel was founded and the IDF was formed,

Lichtenfeld became Chief Instructor for Physical Fitness and Krav Maga at the IDF School of Combat Fitness. He served in the IDF for about 20 years, during which time he developed and refined his unique method for self-defense and hand-to-hand combat. After he finished his active duty, Lichtenfeld began adapting and modifying Krav Maga to civilian needs.